Success Ahead: Natalie

Natalie,* a second-grade Club member, is just one example of how BGCTC’s small-group programming has engaged youth in high-quality learning this summer and positively impacted families across the Twin Cities. Natalie had struggled with focus and motivation in the classroom, but with guidance from Club staff, she was able to get back on track!

Natalie attended in-person Literacy programming this summer and leveled up from High Risk to Some Risk, raising her cumulative reading test score by 34 points. Additionally, she attended the program 94% of the time—missing just one day! She is now more confident, positive, and can read individually with little assistance.

Natalie’s mother lost her job this summer and has been grateful for BGCTC’s academic and food distribution programs. “The [Club] helped Natalie and her sister stay connected with friends and have some social interaction,” she says. “All the activities and worksheets we received during food distribution helped Natalie practice what she had learned at school and develop new skills.”

We love providing support to Natalie and her family, and we are so proud of her success!

*Name changed for privacy.

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