The Premiere of Indigenous State of Mind: A Mental Health Awareness Film

On November 21, the Little Earth Boys & Girls Club premiered Indigenous State of Mind: A Mental Health Awareness Film, a powerful short film created by Club members and staff. The film sheds light on the importance of mental health awareness, amplifies the voices of Indigenous youth, and encourages open conversations about struggles and the need for support.

The premiere was followed by a panel discussion with Club members and community leaders, speaking about the unique mental health challenges faced by Indigenous youth. The panel also addressed cultural and societal barriers that often make it difficult, especially for young men, to openly share about their mental health.

Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan attended the event and spoke directly to the youth. She emphasized the importance of “taking up space” and using their voices to advocate for themselves and their communities.

Click below to view the short film, directed by Club Alumnus Amerin Chamberlin and Branch Director TJ Valtierra.

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