Success Ahead: Christopher

Fifth grader Christopher* has attended the Clubs since 2016. As a regular participant in his Club’s Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) activities over the years, he has developed his social skills, emotional maturity, and a strong sense of self-motivation.
When our Clubs reopened for the fall session, Christopher immediately demonstrated a clear work ethic and a positive mindset toward the new routine of distance learning. Throughout the weeks, he has consistently focused on completing his assignments promptly every day. When he finishes his work, Christopher enjoys drawing and reading until it’s time to start the next activity. He is considerate of his fellow Club members and is mindful of not disrupting other kids who may still be working on their assignments.
We are so happy to have Christopher and other young people back in our Clubs this fall, and we’re very proud of Christopher’s determination to succeed through the challenges of distance learning. Keep up the awesome work!
*Name changed for privacy.

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