Spirit of Voyageur: Year-Round Education

The staff at The staff at Voyageur are dedicated to finding new ways for youth to experience outdoor education YEAR-ROUND! One way this has been accomplished is through the creation of Tree Trek, a new interactive way to learn about the trees, ecology, and natural history of the big woods. This online story map allows anyone to move to various points along the Voyageur trails virtually to learn about specific trees and features. Not only can this virtual tool be accessed at any time, but it can also be used while kids and teens are at camp, whether hiking the trails in the sunshine or shuffling the trails in snowshoes.  

In addition to Tree Trek, our winter day camps include fun activities like sledding, winter survival classes, orienteering courses, igloo and snow fort making, cross-country skiing, and ice fishing. 

This is one of the many examples of how BGCTC and Voyageur Environmental Center empower young people to be in charge of their learning through hands-on opportunities, no matter the season.    To experience Tree Trek for yourself, visit Tree Trek Nature Trail. 

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