At BGCTC, we’re grateful for incredible partnerships that help bring creative experiences to our youth. One such partnership is with Schubert Club, which runs Project CHEER (Creative Help through Enrichment and Educational Resources) at Mt. Airy Club. This program offers free piano lessons, creating opportunities for our members to discover and grow their musical talents.
Joanna, a dedicated piano instructor and director of Project CHEER, recently shared her experiences:
How long have you been providing piano lessons at the Clubs?
Since 2018, I have worked with the East Side Club and Mt. Airy Club.
What is your favorite part?
I love seeing the kids’ satisfaction when they accomplish something, whether it’s simple or complex—it’s incredibly rewarding.
How often does this program run?
The program runs on Tuesdays from 3-5pm. Typically, two students participate at a time, so I work with 16 youth each week. We meet them wherever their skill levels are and even explore the inside of the piano to understand how it works.
Do you have a favorite Club moment?
Right now, I’m teaching a Club member whose father I also taught. It’s so special to see generations come through this program.
What are you grateful for?
I am grateful to enjoy work! (Joanna has been director of Project CHEER for 34 years!)