Phoebe’s Story

Phoebe*, a student at Al Lenzmeier West Side Club, is entering first grade this year. When she first joined the Club last year, she needed support and encouragement with literacy. Ms. Dee and other staff members worked closely with Phoebe, using flashcards and creating sight word games to make learning fun. They collaborated with her school to provide consistent support throughout the year. Over time, Phoebe began creating her own paper “books” at school, starting with tracing letters and gradually writing words independently. She proudly brought these books to the Club to read to the staff. We are thrilled to share that Phoebe is now reading at grade level!

BGCTC’s Literacy Program is a holistic approach that embeds positive youth development and social and emotional (SEL) methods with literacy instruction. Program staff cultivate partnerships with schools and caregivers to be sure youth have the wraparound supports they need to succeed!

*name changed for privacy

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