Gratitude for Volunteers – Meet Hunter!

What keeps you showing up? 

I think that the thing that keeps me showing up is the ability to foster community and make an impact. Growing up I was in a community that was missing a central space where kids could be heard and make an impact and contributing to that part of the Clubs fills my cup.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to be more involved? 

I think my advice for someone that would want to get more involved is just show up with a friend. It can be scary going to a place by yourself BUT it really shouldn’t be with the clubs…everyone is welcoming and eager to have helping hands and new community members. If you have a skills OR your company does something cool you want to share OR if you want to just hangout and play basketball or something, the Clubs have it all. 

Do you have a favorite volunteer event or story? 

I always go back to one of the Connect events I attended last year. We had Lt. Governor Peggy Flannagan attend and I will never forget how receptive she was to the teens feedback AND the advice she gave to them about not shrinking yourself and being true to you. I think seeing some of the real emotional impact that had on the teens that attended will stick with me forever. 

What are you grateful for?

I am very grateful to contribute/volunteer with an organization that gives kids/teens/EVERYONE a space to feel valued and to share their thoughts and creativity. 


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